Nice, I also came on through a mate saying look at Exec sum. It was too rich for me but I got interested in the foot guns option. The free tokens for sign up made a difference for me because I could actually give it a go. Now I have a trezor and know what a DAO is and have a vague idea why a Bart matters. Also that American traders can p…
Nice, I also came on through a mate saying look at Exec sum. It was too rich for me but I got interested in the foot guns option. The free tokens for sign up made a difference for me because I could actually give it a go. Now I have a trezor and know what a DAO is and have a vague idea why a Bart matters. Also that American traders can put away ice cream in their truck like no one’s business. And m&ms :)
Nice, I also came on through a mate saying look at Exec sum. It was too rich for me but I got interested in the foot guns option. The free tokens for sign up made a difference for me because I could actually give it a go. Now I have a trezor and know what a DAO is and have a vague idea why a Bart matters. Also that American traders can put away ice cream in their truck like no one’s business. And m&ms :)