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65% of Active Developers Joined Web3 in 2021
“Electric Capital’s Maria Shen dives into her company’s recently published research report about Web3 open-source development in 2021 and shares her thoughts and insights on how developers are flocking to Web3 in a manner that goes far beyond just Bitcoin and Ethereum.”
Do We Really Understand Inflation? with Cullen Roche
“If you could pick one variable in the whole world that you had to understand that would be your go to indicator, inflation would be the thing to me; you tell me what the rate of inflation is in twenty years, I’ll tell you pretty much what most financial assets have done, whether it’s bitcoin, bonds, stocks, whatever.”— Cullen Roche
Bitcoin and the Looming US Fiscal Crisis with Avik Roy
“Join Marty as he sits down with Avik Roy, President of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, to discuss: Think tanks, Energy policy and its affect on lower income individuals, Education, Healthcare, The looming US Fiscal Crisis, And more..”
Check out the Foot Guns’ NFT collection. Any sales go towards shoes for the interns.