Podcast and Chill #3
Interviews with Bitcoin personalities ; Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Cathie Wood & PlanB
The Foot Guns Crappy Crypto Index is up 45.70% from $28.79 to $43.41 since inception 08/05/2021.
The B Word. This session was recorded live on "Bitcoin as a Tool for Economic Empowerment" featuring Cathie Wood, Jack Dorsey, and Elon Musk. Steve Lee moderated this live panel discussion where nothing was off limits!
PlanB creator of Bitcoin stock to flow model in recent interview.
In early 2019, PlanB released his now widely regarded Stock-to-Flow model (S2F). This model was built around the four-year halving cycle and is a way to track the scarcity of an asset.
At current levels of issuance, Bitcoin has a stock-to-flow of 50, meaning it would take 50 years for miners to mine enough Bitcoin to match the current Bitcoin supply. When applied to non-digital assets such as gold and silver, stock-to-flow becomes a benchmarking tool. Gold, for example, has a stock to flow number of ~58, slightly higher than Bitcoin.
While the Stock-to-Flow model is an incredibly popular tool amongst Bitcoiners, it is not without its critics, and with Bitcoin’s drop from ~$64k to ~$29k, the model is coming under increasing scrutiny.
So, is the model broken, or is Bitcoin still heading for $100k+ this year?
In this interview, I talk to Bitcoin Quant Analyst & creator of the popular Stock-to-Flow model, Plan₿ and investor, entrepreneur & publicist Willem Middelkoop. We discuss S2F, gold vs Bitcoin and whether we are heading to a big reset.
In case you missed it check out Part 2 of our How to Defi Series. Tomorrow we will release Part 3 : a guide on how to provide liquidity on Sushiswap.