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“Hal and Wasabi sit down with a web3 dev and talk defi and nft alpha. What principles bring developers into web3 and what developer tools are most useful for building front and backend web3 products.
“You can put on this Bitcoin miner attached to your nuclear facility… and since your Bitcoin mining site can be dialled up and dialled down for how it’s dispatched, you’ve just put a supercharger on your nuclear plant; you can now actually provide flexibility to the grid because you have the ability to ramp your nuke through the Bitcoin mining.”— Shaun Connell
“Preston Pysh talks with Eric Weiss about Bitcoin. They discuss why it's important for Bitcoin to be considered property relative to many other digital asset projects.”
Premium Members, don’t miss Hal’s tutorial on quantifying risk in yield farming so you can know if the risk you are taking is worth the expected APY.
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