Today’s Cheat Sheet -
Support and resistance levels and our daily, weekly and monthly bias on BTC, ETH, OIL, ES, and NQ as well as our favorite altcoins.
“Bitcoin for the first time gives you the sovereign and particular right to your finances to spend, to trade, and that’s something we didn’t know that the government couldn’t take away from you. Bitcoin is the manifestation of the God-given right to have your value.” — Junseth
“Andy Greenberg, senior writer for WIRED and author of “Tracers in the Dark,” takes us inside the world of crypto-tracing crimebusters and voices the ambivalence of Bitcoin – a cypherpunk creation – eroding financial privacy. Hear how the longtime crypto scribe got law enforcement and sleuthing firms like Chainalysis to open up about their major wins in taking down darknet kingpins.”
“On today's episode of The Macro Trading Floor, Alfonso & Andreas discuss the data points suggesting a possible resurgence of inflation in both the U.S and Europe. As the yield curve continues to reprice higher, how does this impact the higher for longer thesis in rates? Alf and Andreas then share their actionable trade ideas, but to hear that, you'll have to tune in!”